Michaelchurch Escley, Newton, St Margarets, Turnastone, Vowchurch.
Minutes of the Vowchurch & District Group Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 20th February 2025 at 7.30pm in The Pavilion, Michaelchurch Escley
PRESENT – Councillors E May (Chair), S Craddock, R Lloyd, D Cross, A Mason, and J Andrews
IN ATTENDANCE – Ward Councillor M Engel, Mrs L Cowles (Clerk) and four members of the public.
- ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors G Deas, E Williams, A Picton and J Kernahan.
- RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & CONSIDER ANY WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION – Councillor D Cross declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in agenda item 8.2; the declarations book was signed accordingly. There were no written requests for dispensation.
- ADOPT MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – 16th January 2024 – The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
- OPEN DISCUSSION – Members of the public thanked the Parish Council for considering their proposals for verge cutting this season. They highlighted again that they would like a single cut in August, additional time to be allocated to the lengthsman to provide a verge cutting service to ensure that blind spots and junctions etc. can be cut back, that the Lengthsman undertake some bracken treatment to reduce the spread, that Herefordshire Council could be more flexible for local verge management and that the Parish Council consider using a local environmentalist to record and monitor the impact of changing patterns and areas of verge most suitable for future protection.
- VERGES – The Parish Council noted the requests from members of the public present. Whilst the Parish Council are aware of the residents concerns regarding two cuts, it was highlighted again that the Parish Council are reliant on Balfour Beatty with regards to cutting dates. Since the January meeting the Clerk has contacted Balfour Beatty, who have confirmed that verge cutting was scheduled to take place initially around the last May Bank Holiday with a second cut towards the end of the growing season at the end of August. There are some levels of flexibility as the date of commencement will vary on environmental conditions & growth, as well as availability of the contractor, it is generally a 6–8-week programme. It was agreed that this was primarily a Newton St Margaret concern as the Parish Council had not heard from anyone in Vowchurch, Turnastone or Michaelchurch Escley. The Clerk also highlighted that the contractor would always listen to the Locality Steward for feedback in relation to safety concerns. The Lengthsman is contracted to work one day per calendar month during the summer season any additional days would require additional funding. In an area of primarily narrow lanes used by large vehicles most areas do need two cuts. It was highlighted again that volunteers can take responsibility by adopting a section of verge. After further discussion it was agreed to request two cuts other than U74202 but to also contact Caroline Hanks from Hereford Meadows to possibly conduct a survey in the Newton St Margarets area.
Three members of the public left the meeting - REPORTS
6.1 Local Police – The local police were unable to attend the meeting
6.2 Ward Councillor – Ward Councillor Engel’s report included: –
The latest Council meeting has taken place which was a budget meeting.
Councillor Engel is now a member of the Planning Committee.
Neighbourhood Development Plans – If your plan was completed in 2017 it is now out of date and should be reviewed. Whilst criteria is still being agreed, start to think about what you would and would not accept.
Flooding – suggest keeping a register of affected properties. It was thought that any flooding was because of saturated ground, problems are exacerbated because of ditch maintenance.
Ward Councillor Engel left the meeting
6.3 Lengthsman report – The Lengthsman was unable to attend the meeting. His monthly reports had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Clerk made Councillors aware of a request to have the ditches cleared on the U74203 near Brook Cottage after recent works on U74204. The Clerk had explained to the local resident that this work was not included in the drainage grant funding in this financial year. The Clerk had not been aware that the Lengthsman was waiting for information from Welsh Water regarding the proximity of their stop taps to the verge. Once confirmation from Welsh Water is received this could be considered for drainage grant funding in 2025/26. - CLERKS UPDATE – The Clerk had received a request from a member of the public to install a wastebin in the lay-by just outside Peterchurch on B4348. The Locality Steward had confirmed that Balfour Beatty were removing wastebins and it would be the Parish Councils responsibility to install one, arrange to empty the bin and to obtain a waste transfer note. It was agreed not to install a bin there at this time.
The Clerk has requested that the CRT clear the ditch along the C1206 adjoining their land after recent flooding affected the road.
The next Parish Summit will be held on Tuesday 8th April at the Plough Lane offices between 5.30pm – 9pm. - PLANNING
Site: St Michaels Church, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. HR2 0JW
Description: Proposed to repair the top 2 feet of retaining wall surrounding stone steps leading to a disused cellar and installing a lockable gate horizontally over the entrance.
Application No: 242968 Grid Ref: 331665:234173
SUPPORT – The Parish Council support this application and are happy that the church is taking responsibility to protect public safety.
Councillor D Cross left the meeting
Site: Upper House Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. HR2 0JZ
Description: Proposed change of use of agricultural land for siting of 2 nos. shepherd’s huts and glamping site, showers, and WC (including above ground foul drainage tank) from April to 1st November annually. Retrospective
Application No: 243053 Grid Ref: 330944:236782
SUPPORT – The Parish Council support this application. The application enhances farm diversification and new tourism facilities will be supported in the area.
One member of the public left the meeting
Councillor D Cross returned to the meeting
Site: St Marys Church, Turnastone, Herefordshire. HR2 0RA
Description: Provision of free-standing & self-contained 1.2 x 1.2m wooden ‘potting shed’ style Portaloo in churchyard. 25mm mains water supply pipe to west end of church, free-standing sink unit at west end of church and soakaway for sink waste water.
Application No: 242800/242801 Grid Ref: 335744:236478
SUPPORT – The Parish Council supports this application. The potting shed style self-contained Portaloo along with a sink unit in the vestry will enhance facilities. Consideration has been given to the position of an external mains water pipe and an appropriate external soakaway. - FINANCE
9.1 Confirmation of bank balance – £11,919.44 dated 31st January 2025.
To include £6.00 bank charges
9.2 Payment to Mrs Linda Cowles for February 2025 Clerk’s hours (including back pay), £35.38 gross (VAT £5.90) ink cartridges and £29.89 gross (VAT £4.98) paper – Payment agreed.
9.3 Payment to Mr T Griffiths invoice no. TGC3046 roads account January 2025 (1) of £559.20 gross (VAT £93.20) and invoice no. TGC3090 roads account January 2025 (2) of £559.20 gross (VAT £93.20) – Payment agreed.
9.4 Payment to Herefordshire Association of Local Council, invoice no. H5087 for affiliation and subscription fess 1st April 2025 – 32st March 2025 of £810.56 gross (VAT £135.09) – Payment agreed.
9.5 Precept 2025/26 – Confirmation of precept increase by 5% to £18,102.92 - TRO ASSESSMENT C1206 – The Traffic Management Officer at Herefordshire Council advised that they are restricted by regulations as to what road markings can be installed on the road surface, in this scenario ‘SLOW’ markings would be the only option alongside the warning signs. The bend at Ladywell Cottage would not meet the general requirement for a safety barrier. The visibility fence and section of hedgerow to improve visibility at the bridge is being dealt with under a separate matter. It was agreed that all the proposed white linings will be removed through Vowchurch village but to keep them in the area of Ladywell Cottage. The suggested village nameplates would not be required. All other proposed warning signage is acceptable. It was also agreed to request the road markings at the T-Junction with the B4348 should be re-newed.
- LENGTHSMAN CONTRACT 2025/26 – The Clerk had contacted the Clerks at Peterchurch, Madley and Kentchurch Parish Councils to request details of their current Lengthsman. Adverts have been placed on the website, Facebook, newsletter and GV News. Only one tender has currently been received. The current Lengthsman has indicted a price increase of 7%. It was agreed to defer any decision until the March meeting to enable the job advert to be seen for longer.
- T14 BUS SERVICES – Concerns were raised that there will no longer be a bus leaving Hereford at 1620 to enable college students to return home. The planned new timings are either 1522 or 1722. There are no buses to enable students from Hereford to get to Fairfield school for the start of the day, the earliest arrival time being 1007. It was agreed that the Clerk would respond accordingly.
- PARISH COUNCIL NOTICEBOARD POLICY – The noticeboard terms and conditions policy was approved. This will be included on the Parish Council policy page of the website along with a shorter version on the noticeboard.
- ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – It was agreed to hold the annual parish meeting on Wednesday 23rd April 2025. The Clerk would contact Escleyside Hall for availability. Mark Lynas, an author of books on the environment has kindly accepted an invitation to give a short talk. Refreshments will be available.
- NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET – No additional correspondence.
- RAISE MATTERS FOR THE NEXT ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – Thursday 20th March 2025 from 7.30pm at Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall – Lengthsman tender.
The Chair declared the meeting closed at 9.10pm.