Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Michaelchurch Escley, Newton, St Margarets, Turnastone, Vowchurch

You are invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting of
Vowchurch & District Group Parish Council to be held on Thursday 27th April 2023
in Newton Church Room from 7.30pm prior to the Ordinary Parish Council meeting


  3. CHAIR’S REPORT 2022/23
  4. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GROUP PARISHES – Local Government electors of the Parishes will be entitled to raise questions at the meeting.

Ms Elizabeth May
Chair, Vowchurch & District Group Parish Council
20th April 2023

21st July 2022 Minutes

Michaelchurch Escley, Newton, St Margarets, Turnastone, Vowchurch.
Minutes of the Vowchurch & District Group Parish Council meeting held on
Thursday 21st July 2022 at 7.30pm in Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall.

PRESENT – Councillors E May (Chair), E Williams, I Chadwick, A Picton, G Franklin, R Lloyd, G Deas and M Engel.
IN ATTENDANCE – Ward Councillor Peter Jinman and Mrs L Cowles (Clerk)

  1. ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillor T Williams and the police.
    Councillor J Kernahan had tendered his resignation to the Clerk via email prior to the meeting as he was due to be moving away from the area in the near future – The Chair accepted Councillor Kernahan’s resignation.
  2. RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & CONSIDER ANY WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION – Councillor G Deas declared a non-disclosable interest in agenda item 9 and Councillor M Engel declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in agenda item 7.4; the declarations book was signed accordingly. There were no written requests for dispensation.
  3. ADOPT MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – 16th June 2022 – The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
  4. OPEN DISCUSSION – No members of the public attended the meeting and therefore no specific points were raised.
    5.1 Ward Councillor – Ward Councillor Peter Jinman’s reported included: –
    PROW Defects – This has been chased with the Cabinet Member and the Clerk confirmed she has recently received an update. Ward Councillor Jinman requested a copy be sent to him.
    Waste collection – A recent cabinet meeting had discussed changes to waste collection services. There is due to be a big change in how waste is divided and working towards this being sorted by each household rather than being taken away to divide.
    Phosphates – There is currently a lot of housing stock being built which has an effect on phosphates and this continues to be a problem in the Golden Valley. It can take 30 years to get rid of legacy phosphate and there needs to be a solution in all areas.
    Broadband – Constantly be discussed. Encourage everyone to register for the connectivity grant. Councillor Engel was concerned that many people are unaware of the grant and are failing when properties are assessed. It was agreed to include in the Newsletter and to request Toby Murcott to draft an article in forthcoming newsletters.
    Pontrilas station – The Government has rejected the request for funding although it if hoped the project can still move forward.
    Motorcycle event – Councillor Engel raised concerned regarding a motorcycle event planned in Lower Maescoed on 7th August which could attract a number of vehicles. Ward Councillor Jinman confirmed that he has spoken to the local authorities but organisers are allowed to hold up to 14 events without any planning permission in one year. Councillor Jinman advised to record any offences that effect you locally to forward to the environment enforcement officer if appropriate.
    5.2 Local Police – The local police were unable to attend the meeting.
    5.3 Lengthsman report and any new road defects – The Lengthsman was unable to attend the meeting. His monthly report had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting.

5.4 Footpath Officers report – Both Footpath Officers have now received a supply of Wayleave markers and continue to walk the footpaths. These must be done at least once a year. There are still problems with reported defects not showing on the Herefordshire Council defects map. A reminder to landowners that stile kits can be obtained for free from Herefordshire Council but it is their responsibility to have them installed. In Vowchurch, Councillor Deas has walked 43 of 67 public rights of way. There are some problems with brambles encroaching on paths and splays need to be strimmed where they meet the main road. There are concerns that Herefordshire Council are looking for volunteers to take on many of the PROW tasks which could prove challenging.
The Clerk confirmed she has received an update regarding defect reporting issues with some ideas on how Herefordshire Council will be managed their plans now PROW management has been re-insourced. This was forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting

  1. CLERKS UPDATE – The Clerk advised she has received some correspondence regarding the lifting of grating in Turnastone, road closures and requested an update regarding the drain opposite The Villa in Turnastone. The Clerk advised she had spoken to the Lengthsman regarding the gullies and reported the drain opposite The Villa to the Locality Steward. Any road closures can be viewed on the Herefordshire Council website. A phone called has also been received from a member of the public in Newton St Margaret concerning the verge cutting and Lengthsman work, unfortunately the caller left no name or contact details.
    As the Parish Council do not meet in August, a reminder to Councillors to respond to any planning applications via email as soon as possible.
    The Clerk will be on annual leave from Friday 5th August – Tuesday 23rd August.
    Site: The Barn, Old Kates Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. HR2 0PU
    Description: Proposed single storey extension and alterations.
    Application No: 222023/222024 Grid Ref: 329095:237316
    Site: Turnastone Court, Vowchurch, Herefordshire. HR2 0RA
    Description: Removal of a condition 10 following of planning permission102245/F (Conversion of traditional farm buildings to educational facilities with retails space & administrative office, short-term letting accommodation, replacement farm dwelling, part change of use to B1, farm storage and new access drive) Remove so The Granary (Building A) has unencumbered C3 use.
    Application No: 222172 Grid Ref: 335846:236462
    COMMENT – The Parish Council are pleased that redundant farm buildings are being restored but are concerned that these barns are being divided which could affect their historic value and the relationship between The Granary and the adjacent grade ii listed barns.
    The adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan supports the re-use of existing rural buildings. A high proportion of local residents supported converting such buildings for local families to live in. The Parish Council would therefore like any application restricted for use of local people and not as an occasional holiday home.
    Site: Park Haven, Rock Road, Newton St Margarets, Herefordshire. HR2 0QW
    Description: First floor extension on the west facing elevation to accommodate 1 bedroom and raised decking area.
    Application No: 220254 Grid Ref: 335528:233820
    Councillor M Engel left the meeting

Site: Fair Oak, Bacton Herefordshire. HR2 0AT
Description: Repair storm damage to gable end wall of 17th century listed barn, including partially rebuilding damaged stone wall and repairing roof timbers and corrugated iron roof. Also repair damage done to roof of adjoining 20th century lean-to shed by falling stone.
Application No: 222094 Grid Ref: 335468:232105
Councillor M Engel re-joined the meeting

    8.1 Confirmation of updated bank balance – £10,745.39 Statement Sheet No. 171 issued 17th July 2022.
    Receipts – None
    To include £5.00 bank charges 17th May 2022 to 16th June 2022.
    8.2 Payment to Mrs Linda Cowles for July and August 2022 Clerk’s hours, printer ink of £43.26 plus VAT and allowance for home office use 2022-23. – Payments agreed. It was agreed to increase the Clerks allowance for home office use to £6.00 per week (£312.00 per year).
    8.3 Payment to Mr T Griffiths invoice no. TGC1872, roads account April 2022 (1) of £300.00 plus VAT – Payment agreed.
    8.4 Payment to HMRC of £82.80 For PAYE April 2022 – June 2022 – Payment agreed.
    8.5 Payment to SLCC for 2022 membership of £112.00 – Payment agreed.
    8.6 Payment to Microshade VSM, invoice No. 16282 for Internal Audit 2021/22 of £99.00 plus VAT – Payment agreed.
    8.7 Finance Working Group – The finance working group were unable to meet – defer to September meeting.
  2. VOWCHURCH COMMON RECYCLING & GENERAL RUBBISH COLLECTION – The Clerk has currently had no pricing update from Balfour Beatty concerning the Community Commissioning Project to provide a turning head at Vowchurch Common. The Waste & Recycling Officer has advised that a member of the Highways team would be prepared to meet with Councillors locally to discuss potential sites. It was agreed that the Clerk would arrange a convenient time for Councillors Deas and Picton to meet with him.
  3. NEW ROAD VISIBLE FROM VOWCHURCH COMMON – Concerns have been raised by local residents regarding the construction of a hardcore road across a field below Vowchurch Common. The Clerk has advised the Enforcement Officer who has visited the site. The Enforcement Officer perceives no harm from the track works and therefore does not consider it expedient in this case to pursue a formal application and the enforcement case has been closed. There is no evidence due to the track extension to suggest of any change of use of the land or any construction of any dwelling.
  4. HEREFORDSHIRE LOCAL PLAN 2021 – 2041 PLACE SHAPING CONSULTATION – It was agreed to response as per Councillor Chadwick’s draft.
  5. STANDING ORDERS – It was agreed to adopt the updated model standing orders 2018 to reflect revised procurement levels.
  6. GLENDORE AND THE COUNTRYSIDE RESTORATION TRUST – The Clerk has advised the Listed Buildings Officer that the enamel signs and top of the petrol pumps, which are listed, have been removed from Glendore. He has advised that investigations are still on-going. Colleagues within the council have been in touch with the current owner’s agent and they believe the signs are in storage whilst the house is vacant and on the open market. When there is more to report he will be in touch again
  7. PCC TOWN & PARISH COUNCILS 2022 SURVEY – It was agreed that Councillor E May would respond to the 2022 police survey on behalf of the Parish Council.
  8. ABUSE OF COUNCILLORS SIGNATURE OR EMAILS IN HEREFORDSHIRE – HALC advised that there have been a number of spams where Councillors signatures and email address’s have been abused. Although Councillor signatures are not shown on the Vowchurch Parish Council website they should be redacted.
    Councillor Picton left the meeting
  9. PARISH COUNCILLOR EMAIL ADDRESSES – After attending a recent training session Councillor Deas raised concerns that email addresses should be used by all Parish Councillors when conducting council business as there could be instances where police request access to your data. The Clerk advised the various costs for obtaining email addresses. It was agreed that there is limited use of email addresses when contacting members of the public and police could also access your personal data anyway. The majority of Councillors are against having separate council email addresses and it was agreed to continue with personal email addresses at this time.
  10. NEWSLETTER – Broadband, PROW and welcome Ukrainian families.
  11. NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET AND CONSIDER PRINTING OF FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE – The correspondence sheet was noted. It was agreed that any correspondence sent via email to Councillors did not need to be printed and included in the meeting.
  12. RAISE MATTERS FOR THE NEXT ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – Thursday 15th September 2022 at 7.30pm at Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall – Turnastone Court and Vowchurch refuse collection.

The Chair declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm


20th January 2022 Minutes

Michaelchurch Escley, Newton, St Margarets, Turnastone, Vowchurch.
Minutes of the Vowchurch & District Group Parish Council meeting held on
Thursday 20th January 2022 at 7.30pm in Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall.

PRESENT – Councillors E May (Chair), T Williams, I Chadwick, A Picton and G Deas.
IN ATTENDANCE – Ward Councillor Peter Jinman and Mrs L Cowles (Clerk).

  1. ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors G Franklin, J Kernahan, E Williams and the local police.
  2. RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & CONSIDER ANY WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION – Councillor G Deas declared a non-disclosable interest in agenda item 10; the declarations book was signed accordingly. There were no written requests for dispensation.
  3. ADOPT MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING ON THE PARISH COUNCIL – 18th November 2021 – The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
  4. OPEN DISCUSSION – No members of the public attended the meeting and therefore no specific points were raised.
    5.1 Ward Councillor – Councillor Jinman’s report included: –
    Councillor Jinman asked whether any Councillors had attended the recent Balfour Beatty Parish Briefing. When Balfour Beatty inherited the contract approximately 15,000-16,000 road grids were identified on the system there are now approximately 30,000. Attendees were told how they prioritise works across the whole infrastructure and where money is spent.
    Hopefully, from March Traffic Regulation Orders and Public Rights of Way will be manged in-house by Herefordshire Council rather than Balfour Beatty.
    Additional funding could be available from this month for drainage works/specific tasks.
    The first Herefordshire Citizens Climate assembly took place over 15th/16th January. Please visit Herefordshire Councils utube channel to see the presentations and discussions.
    The budget and precepts are currently be reviewed. £800,000 savings need to be found. There is an indication the council tax will increase by 1.99% and social care by 1%.
    There is still a back log in the number of planning applications. The Herefordshire Local Plan 2021 – 2041 in currently in consultation. The Government wants to increase the supply of new housing. For Herefordshire this would mean a significant increase in housing.
    Broadband – This is still on-going and another meeting will be held shortly. Councillor Chadwick asked if mobile phone coverage could also be discussed as this is still non-existent in some areas.
    5.2 Local Police – The local police were unable to attend the meeting.
    5.3 Lengthsman report – The Lengthsman was unable to attend the meeting. His monthly reports had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting.
    5.4 Footpath Officer – Councillor Deas advised he has started walking some of the footpaths in Vowchurch. There is a lot of cutting back to do, but would wait until the summer. Some paths are completely overgrown and another has been moved slightly. It was agreed that the footpaths should follow the correct route. Any damaged stiles, blocked routes or changes of route should be reported on-line to enable the Locality Steward to assess. Councillor May is still to walk some footpaths in Michaelchurch and requested additional wayleave markers.
    Dore Community Transport have emailed to thank the parish council for their recent donation. They have made 242 journeys in the Vowchurch parish area over the year.
    The Enforcement Officer is satisfied that planning permission 102245 at Turnastone Court allows for dual use as overnight accommodation and alternatively as an Education Centre and therefore the intended use does not represent a breach of planning control. The only outstanding matters at present are some minor additions that need to be regularised as identified by the Building Conservation Officer and an application is expected for this in due course.
    Planning has been granted at Holt Farm, Michaelchurch Escley (212606) for change of use of three barns from holiday accommodation to unencumbered residential.
    The C1206 Bank Farm to Bridge House, Michaelchurch Escley will be closed on 14th & 15th February between 9.30am – 3.30pm.
    Herefordshire Council’s Local Plan 2021-2041 Strategic Spatial Options Consultation runs from 17th January to 28th February, there is a meeting planned for 3rd February from 7pm for further information.
    The Clerk will be on annual leave from Tuesday 25th January to Monday 7th February 2022.
    Site: Rockfield Barn, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. HR2 0JW
    Description: Proposed detached garage.
    Application No: 214150 Grid Ref: 331923:233624
    Site: Hyde Park, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire.
    Description: Proposed change of use of agricultural land to residential curtilage and erection of
    garage and plant room associated with the property (retrospective).
    Application No: 214465 Grid Ref: 331421:236705
    COMMENT – The Parish Council have no objection to the erection of the garage and plant room but do object to the extent of the residential curtilage and would like restrictions imposed for it not to be extended any further.
    Site: The Prospect, Vowchurch, Herefordshire. HR2 0RL
    Description: Proposed demolition of existing single storey extensions and erection of a two storey
    extension with lean-to.
    Application No: 212183 Grid Ref: 336582:237028
    Site: Hyde Park, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. HR2 0JY
    Description: Change of use of land, erection of stable block and outdoor menage for domestic purposes only.
    Application No: 212565 Grid Ref: 331504:236654
    8.1 Confirmation of bank balance – £11,220.10 Statement Sheet No. 164 issued 17th December 2021.
    Receipts – None.
    8.2 Payment to Mrs Linda Cowles for January 2022 Clerk’s hours and £41.53 plus VAT for ink cartridges – Payment agreed.
    8.3 Payment to Mr T Griffiths invoice no. TGC1720, roads account November 2021 (1) of £392.00 plus VAT, invoice no. TGC1734, roads account November 2021 (2) of £392.00 plus VAT, invoice no. TGC1740, roads account December 2021 (1) of £392.00 plus VAT and invoice no. TGC1757, roads account December 2021 (2) of £392.00 plus VAT – Payment agreed.

8.4 Payment to Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall of £105.00 for hall hire May 2021 – November 2021 – Payment agreed.
8.5 Payment to HMRC of £58.60 for PAYE October 2021 – December 2021 – Payment agreed.
8.6 Finance Working Group – The quarterly reports were distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Finance Working Group confirmed spreadsheets, invoices and PAYE had been checked and all were in order.
8.7 Financial Regulations – The updated Financial Regulations were approved to include Internet Banking.

  1. HEREFORDSHIRE LOCAL PLAN UPDATE – The response to pre-consultation survey was noted. Clerk to distributed to Parish Councillors.
  2. VOWCHURCH COMMON RECYCLING & GENERAL RUBBISH COLLECTION – Complaints have been received from local residents on Vowchurch Common regarding Herefordshire Councils proposed changes to refuse collections. Currently the large refuse lorry turns at the bottom of the road on private land, this is no longer acceptable. Residents do not want to take their bins or suggested refuse sacks to a central collection point. The Waste & Recycling Officer has received 6 letters/emails of objections. The contractors have advised they will be undertaking a risk assessment in the near future although Herefordshire Councils proposals going forward are that they trial the new collection point and see how it goes. Councillors queried why the refuse lorry could not reverse down the road or why a turning point could not be put in along the stretch of road. What would be the cost of a new smaller vehicle compared to the cost of providing a new turning point? Ward Councillor Jinman advised that there are other areas in the county that do have to take their refuse to a central collection point/bin. Refuse collection is a service provided by Herefordshire Council but they could not make special runs to specific areas. There may also be an undertaking from the homeowner that it is their responsibility to make their bins accessible, but he would query this with the relevant Cabinet Member. It was agreed that the Clerk would forward the correspondence to Councillor Jinman for him to contact the Cabinet Member.
  3. GREEN FARM – There had been some concerns regarding the number of HGV’s parked at Green Farm, but recently there had been less. It was agreed to monitor the situation.
  4. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2022 – Holding an annual parish meeting was discussed and it was agreed that this is something the Parish Council should consider, inviting a speaker on something of general interest. The Chair suggested: NFU (farm payment schemes), Connectivity, National Parks and ANOB. Ward Councillor Jinman also suggested the Golden Valley Action Group who could talk about the Green Way to run from Pontrilas to Hay on Wye. The meeting officially should be held between 1st March and 1st June. It was agreed that Councillors would think about other options and the Clerk would include in the February Newsletter for suggestions from the public.
  5. NEWSLETTER – Annual parish meeting ideas.
  6. NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET – The correspondence sheet was noted.
  7. RAISE MATTERS FOR THE NEXT ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – Thursday 17th February 2022 at 7.30pm at Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall – Resilience Plan.

The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm


21st January 2021 Minutes

Michaelchurch Escley, Newton, St Margarets, Turnastone, Vowchurch
Minutes of the Vowchurch Group Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 21st January 2021 via Zoom
Please note that the meeting is being recorded

PRESENT – Councillors P Mason (Chair), E May, I Chadwick, A Picton, E Williams, M Engel, R Lloyd and J Kernahan.
IN ATTENDANCE – Ward Councillor P Jinman and Mrs L Cowles (Clerk)

  1. ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors H Franklin and T Williams.
  2. RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & CONSIDER ANY WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION – There were no declarations of interest or written requests for dispensation.
  3. CONSIDER GRANTING COUNCILLORS DISPENSATION FOR NON-ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS – It was agreed to grant a 6-month attendance dispensation to Councillors unable to attend council meetings remotely.
  4. ADOPT MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ORDINARY MEETING – 19th November 2020 – The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. OPEN DISCUSSION – For residents to raise local matters- No members of the public attended the meeting and therefore no specific points were raised.
    6.1 Ward Councillor – Ward Councillor Jinman’s report included: –
    Covid-19 update – Hereford hospital is currently very stretched, please take due care and follow the rules.
    Floods – It has been a busy 48 hours, with issues in Longtown and Ewyas Harold.
    Laptops – Please donate if you can to enable children to access teaching from home.
    Broadband – Details included in agenda item 12.
    Budget – Proposed 4.9% increase.
    Consultations – A reminder to complete consultations which are currently running.
    Misuse of countryside – Concerns have been raised regarding parking, litter and general misuse of the countryside. Whilst local residents do not want to make people unwelcome would ask for a little respect.
    6.2 Lengthsman report – The Lengthsman was unable to attend the meeting. His monthly reports had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting.
    6.3 Footpaths Officer – Councillor May continues to walk the footpaths. Some gates have been closed with barbed wire, which has been reported. Please include reporting footpath defects via the Herefordshire Council website in the February newsletter.
  7. CLERKS UPDATE – The Clerk reported that Councillor Simeon Cole has tendered his resignation from the Parish Council as he no longer owned property in the area. The Chair thanked Councillor Cole for his involvement with the Parish Council and requested a letter of thanks be sent to him.
    A thank you letter has been received from Dore Community transport for the recent donation.
    Herefordshire Council has requested that BT keep the phone boxes in Lower Maescoed and Michaelchurch Escley.
    A reminder to complete the public consultations for the Future of waste & recycling by 7th February and changes to the oversubscription criteria for school admissions by 31st January.
    Herefordshire Wildlife Trust workshops on 17th February & 17th March.
    Feedback on Budget Consultation events on 9th & 11th February.
    B4348, Gooses Foot, Stoney Street, Kingstone will be closed from Friday 12th February – Friday 19th February.
    A public path diversion order for restricted by-way ME38 and CZ46 in Michaelchurch Escley & Craswall was made on 12th October 2020 and objections should have been received by 14th January 2021. The Parish Council has already responded with no objections.
    Keep Herefordshire Warm continue to run their initiative and can help with advice or possible grant funding for eligible homes.
    Correspondence has been received from a local resident regarding planning in Michaelchurch; the Clerk directed them to the planning department at Herefordshire Council for advice.
    A local resident has also raised concerns regarding the erosion of footings at the base of the bridge crossing the River Dore in Vowchurch. The Senior Bridge Engineer at Balfour Beatty has written to them advising that they intend to carry out work to repair the scoured area and other areas along the downstream edge that require repair this summer (2021).
    Site: Land at Wernagavenny, Michaelchurch Escley, HR2 0PU
    Description: The application seeks confirmation that Prior Approval under class Q2 of the Town and
    Country Planning (General Permitted Development (England) (Amendment) Order 2018 is not required for the building operations reasonably necessary for the building to function as a dwelling.
    Application No: 204071 Grid Ref: 328093:239744
    Site: Caeiron Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, HR2 0PU
    Description: Proposed general purpose agricultural building together with a new access from C1205, hardstanding, bund, entrance gate and fencing.
    Application No: 202590. Grid Ref: 328337:239027
    9.1 Confirmation of updated bank balance – £10,315.41 Statement Sheet No. 153 issued 17th January 2021.
    Receipts – £2500.00, 1st Drainage grant reimbursement.
    9.2 Payment to Mrs Linda Cowles for December 2020 Clerk’s hours and £11.99 plus VAT Zoom subscription – Payment agreed.
    9.3 Payment to Lexis Nexis, invoice no. I0447770Z for Arnold Baker Local Council Administration Manual of £119.99 – Payment agreed.
    9.4 Payment to Mr T Griffiths, invoice no. TGC1304 for November 2020 (7) roads account of £373.00 plus VAT, invoice no. TGC1320 for December 2020 (1) roads account of £373.00 plus VAT, invoice no. TGC1331 for December 2020 (2) roads account of £373.00 plus VAT – Payment agreed.
    9.5 Payment to HMRC of £65.20 for PAYE October – December 2020 – Payment agreed.
    9.6 Financial quarterly report – The finance working group had been unable to meet due to Covid-19 restrictions. The quarterly financial spreadsheets were noted.
  10. DONATIONS – The Clerk confirmed that the Local Government Act 1894 prohibits councils from spending any money maintaining or improving church property. The situation is complicated by the fact that subsequent legislation appears to contradict the earlier 1894 Act, however, the National Association of Local Councils advise that the governments current view on the legal issues is that there is no need for any further legislation. The Clerk would therefore recommend not making a donation at this time.
  11. FOOTPATHS VO53 & VO57 (part) Vowchurch public path diversion order 2019 – It was agreed to write to the Inspectorate to advise that if an accompanied visit took place the Parish Council would like to attend the meeting.
  12. BROADBAND – Councillor Jinman advised that he has been trying to pursue this with the local cabinet member and Jessie Norman MP to get more funding for broadband in rural areas. The problems have been highlighted again because of the need for children to access lessons via remote learning. There is inadequate broadband in many areas. The Parish Council would like to know who is in charge of the process now, where has fibre broadband been installed, when are the remaining areas going to be installed and where are the gaps? Ward Councillor Jinman advised that some areas have no coverage at all and there is a drive to get these areas covered. In many areas whilst there is some broadband it is still inadequate cover. Councillor Engel has written to Jessie Norman MP who has agreed to attend a meeting, once restriction allow. This would need to involve the whole of the Golden Valley, there needs to be a broader approach to bring in all of the local area. Councillor Kernahan has knowledge of an alternative approach by using network connectivity in rural areas which avoids using in the ground infrastructure but uses the mobile networks. Councillor Kernahan offered to get involved and help where he can. Councillor Engel stressed that some properties are not close to any mobile signal either. These properties will be the most expensive for BT or Gigaclear to supply and they could be left out forever. It was agreed that an update from Herefordshire Council or Fastershire would be appreciated to enable things to move forward.
  13. RESILIENCE PLAN – Any resilience plan would need to include contact details of somebody with local knowledge of the area, along with details of key holders to halls etc. The Herefordshire Council template is very detailed and would be immensely difficult to achieve in this area which is huge, sparsely populated, very broken up and with limited public facilities. Any plan would need to be kept up to date and follow GDPR guidelines. It was agreed to look at a basic plan.
  14. ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT – The Website Accessibility Statement was adopted.
  15. LENGTHSMAN CONTRACT 2021/22 – It was agreed to participate in the BBLP 2021/22 Lengthsman Scheme. It was agreed to contact Mr T Griffiths to enquire if he was happy to continue in 2021/22 and to request details of any changes in his rates.
  16. TRAINING – Councillor May had attended the ‘Leading Lights’ training course on the 19th January and requested to attend ‘Best Behaviour’ on 28th January and ‘Planning Overview’ on 1st February – All agreed.
  17. TREE SAPLINGS – The Clerk confirmed there had been no interest for tree saplings, it was noted that the offer may be available again in the coming year.
  18. FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER – Reminder of Government Covid-19 restrictions and reporting defects on the Herefordshire Council online.
  19. RAISE MATTERS FOR THE NEXT ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Thursday 18th February 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom – Environmental Scheme, B4348 speed limit update, Water runoff on B4348 & C1206 in Vowchurch.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.38pm.


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